In just eight days the prestigious World Cup Finals will take place in Las Vegas, USA. Over the next few days we will focus on some of the horses that have been placed as favourites. Today we will start with the 2014 Champion, Cornet d'Amour.  

  • Name : Cornet d'Amour (WEST)
  • Rider : Daniel Deusser (GER)
  • Gender : Gelding
  • Age : 12
  • Breeding : Cornet Obolensky x Damiani
  • Owner : Stephex Stables
  • Percentage of clear rounds this winter : 53%
  • Major Achievement : World Cup Champion 2014
  Latest Results : Competed by German rider Daniel Deusser since 2012, we can now say that this magnificent pair know each other in and out. After their undeniable victory last year in the 2014  World Cup Finals in Lyon, the pair will go to Las Vegas to, hopefully, defend their title. Rather than going to Wellington over the Winter months to prepare for the upcoming finals, Deusser stayed in Europe, using the difficult courses and 5* shows to get Cornet fit and focused for April. Cornet d'Amour recovered well after finishing in sixth place with the German at the 2014 World Equestrian Games. He showed good form in Lyon and Doha and even placed in 1.60m classes in both Geneva and Paris. Over the Winter months, Cornet performed well throughout the indoor season and even won the Grand Prix in 's-Hertogenbosch ! These results prove promising for Las Vegas, do they not ? Statistics : Now it's time to look at a few facts and figures of Cornet's performances since October. Out of thirteen performances on 1.60m courses, he went clear seven times. That gives him a percentage rate of 53%  for clear rounds this Winter. During the same period a year before, Cornet went clear five out of eleven times over the same kind of courses. That comes up to just a little less than 45%. Please note that these calculations are purely theoretical and do not size up the fitness of neither horse nor rider, or any other factors. Photo : Daniel Deusser and Cornet d'Amour - Equnews