The daughter of Rebozo La Silla had not competed internationally since late last year, with their last appearance in October at the Grand Prix in Saint-Lô where they had to retire.

"There are encounters that change your life and hers is definitely one of them. Thank you to Brianne Goutal for putting this exceptional mare in my path and thank you to the Lécaude stud farm for continuing this adventure in a spirit of joy, friendship and achievement." echoes Levy's social media post in collaboration with Grandprix.TV. And Justine Cabré, her groom, added with tears in her eyes, "She is a mare who will always be etched in our hearts."

The mare's international career began in 2013. In 2016, she briefly came under Levy's saddle before permanently joining his team in March 2018. The mare jumped no less than 37 podium finishes, no less than 17 of which she got to sit on the highest scaffold. Rebeca LS was good for a total of over 627,000 euros in prize money but can now enjoy her well-deserved retirement.

Thanks for everything, Rebeca and a happy retirement!