Quick Results

1. Scott Brash (GBR) - Hello Mr. President (by Comme d'Api JR)

2. Olivier Perreau (FRA) - GL Events Venizia d'Aiguilly  (by Diamant de Semilly)

3. Maurice Tebbel (GER) - Don Diarado (by Diarado)

4. Alberto Zorzi (ITA) - Cinsey (by Contendro I)

5. Evelina Tovek (SWE) - Winnetou de la Hamente Z (by Winningmood)

Scott Brash was by far the quickest today with his Hello Mr. President. He left a gap of no less than four second with Olivier Perreau on GL Events Venizia d'Aiguilly  (by Diamant de Semilly). A bronze medal was for Maurice Tebbel and Don Diarado (by Diarado).

Fourth place went to the Italian Alberto Zorzo with Cinsey (by Contendro I) and fifth to the Swedish Evelina Tovek on her Winnetou de la Hamente Z (by Winningmood). 

This means that in the Global Champions League, Marcus Ehning (with Pret A Tout) and Alberto Zorzi (On Cinsey) put Valkenswaard United first. First runner-ups are the St-Tropez Pirates: Pieter Devos (on Espoir) and Olivier Robert (with Tempo de Paban). They are followed by Madrid in Motion, represented by Maikel van der Vleuten (with Beauville Z) and Eric van der Vleuten (on Wunschkind 29). 

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