Both the Swedish and German teams were on a total of 8 penalty points after the second round so victory was settled in an exciting jump-off. Sweden's Emma Emanuelsson took the lead with Canbella Blue PS (Cantolar) and rode a fast round with four penalty points. For Germany, Chef d'Equipe and winner of Aachen's Rolex Grand Slam, Andre Thieme had to do it. The experienced rider could not deliver on Paule S (Perigueux) and gave Sweden the victory.

The Swedish team further consisted of Henrik von Eckermann with Iliana (Cardento), Wilma Hellström with Cicci Bjn (Ci Ci Senjor Ask) and Amanda Landeblad with the Tangelo vd Zuuthoeve daughter For Killy. Chef d'Equipe was Henrik Ankarcrona. 

Germany came under the leadership of Chef d'Equipe Andre Thieme, who just last week won the Rolex Grand Prix in magnificent fashion in front of a home crowd. Sophie Hinners had the I'm Special de Muze son Special Life under the saddle, Carsten-Otto Nagel came to the start with Gk Curacao (Clarimo). Sandra Auffarth had saddled Quirici H (Quaid I).

Third place went to the Irish team, which entered with two Olympic riders. 


Source: Press release (edited)
F. ©: Falsterbo Horse Show