Recently the third edition of the Ekestrian online auction concluded. With a top price of 27 750 euro for an embryo the organisers are happy with the results. For 27 750 euro the embryo of Casall ASK out of the sister of Caretina de Joter switches owner. Caretina jumped at the highest level with Pius Schwizer and also Edwina Tops Alexander. The Ekestrian auction offered some high quality lots. Like the Air Jordan Z foal out of the sister of Pommeau du Heup and Quadillac du Heup. This foal moves to a French pro-rider. The fillie of Kashmir van Schuttershof x Casall Ask moves to a professional breeder in France. While the Embryo out of Orient Express out of a daughter of Epode de la Rose (Gregory Wathelet) was not sold. Also the foal of Quabri de L'Isle remains available.