After a four-year break the ESHA (European Sport Horse Auction) is back to auction some top show jumpers. On April 9th 2016 some of the best prospects will be auctioned in Schijndel. “Together with the Anglo European Studbook (AES) stallion approvals, this event is ment to be a new milestone for the international breeding sport,” states co-organiser Joris Van Den Oetelaar. Together with Jurgen and Dennis Swennen, the initial organisers of the ESHA, the new organization offers a new concept in Belgium and beyond. “It will be a busy weekend. On Friday evening Aril 8th, 2016 we will present the auction horses. The day after the AES stallion approvals will take place starting 10am. After the ESHA auction for young sport horses will finish the evening.” Answering on the medical condition of the horses the OC is affirmative. “All horses are clinical and X-ray approved.” The 2016 Collection can now be consulted online!