Recently Alexandra Paillot conquered the gold medal at the France Pro Elite Championships in Fontainebleay. Last weekend the French show jumper was competing at the Equita in Lyon. For Alexandra this is her first CSI5* Indoor competition, and that is why we asked her to keep us up-to-date with a little blog to share her experience... "I arrived in the stables on Friday morning 6.30 am. The warm-up was scheduled 7.45 am, that is why we needed to be up early. Both my horses (Polias de Blondel and Tinio la Goutelle) had a calm and relaxed warm-up," writes Alexandra. "On Friday it was a long (waiting) day. Polias was jumping in the evening and Tonio didn't compete that day. Being up that early it was hard to kill some time. Walking the course I figured the difficulty and technicality of the course," she continues. "In the end I didn't qualify for the jump-off. My horse jumped great but I'm still disapointed in the result. Talking about the course, I was impressed by Pénélope Leprévost's performance. 'Incroyable', bravo Pénélope!"