There were some great performances yesterday. I think Philipp Weishaupt is looking very good, of course Daniel Deusser was on top form last night and Luciana Diniz has been riding really well so far this year." "It is going to be a very tough competition as there are a lot of good riders in the line-up!" Do you have any superstitions before you compete? "Not really. I just stay relaxed and keep my horse nice and quiet, he is very sensitive, so I need to be calm for him. I just focus on my horse, myself and that’s it!" What advice can you give to young riders who aspire to be in your position one day? "My best advice would be ‘to not go too quick!’ That can cause all sorts of problems. My second piece of advice is to keep learning and growing. The Show Jumping world is such a magical place, every horse and every rider is different, so you can always expand your knowledge of the sport." Thoughts on the course tomorrow? "It is going to be hard! Last year I remember the course was very difficult, and now the prize money has been increased and it is part of the Rolex Grand Slam of Show Jumping, the competition is going to be tougher than ever. I think the crowds are in for a treat!"