Stephan Conter's youngest daughter, Emily Conter, is jumping in the spotlights on several events. Last week this junior rider was present at the Saut Hermès in Paris. Combining top show jumping sport with her school exams... On thursday Emilie finished her last exam of the week, in mathematics, before taking of to Paris. I left the school around noon, just in time to catch my train at 1pm. Emilie and her sister (Zoe Conter) went straight to the hotel to change and start their competition a couple of hours later. "Both me and my sister had one jumping fault. It's one fault to much, but we were still happy with our ride," states Emilie. "It was impressive that there were already that many spectators at the show, we concluded our first night at the opening night of Hermès."   "On the last day in Paris my sister and I were already in the saddle at 11.50am. We competed in the team competition. The course was far from easy. Zoe rode a double clear round and finished first with Soory. Cesanne (my horse) felt great, everything went super until fence number 9 (triple combination)." "In general the last day was not my favorit day," continues Emilie. " I made to many mistakes." This competition was a very good learning school, but it's a shame everything had to be done in a rush. I left the show ground at 3.50pm to go study for my last exam on Monday morning.   Emilie's father (Stephan), sister (Zoe) and Gavin stayed to watch the Hermès Grand Prix, won by Abdelkebir Ouaddar.