Stefanie Bistan's success horse Bogegaardens Apollonia (Bogegaardens Apollo x Bogegaardens Capello) has been sold to Ecurie de Meautry, France. With Bistan, Bogegaardens Apollonia made a huge impression at the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games in Normandy, where they were clear in Wednesday's and Thursday's qualifiers making it into Saturday's top thirty round. Bistan, who rides for Magna Racino Equestrian Park, comments on the sale; "Of course I am sad to lose a top horse like Apollonia, but it is also a confirmation for me as to what I do. I am happy and grateful for all the success I could have with her during the last twelve months, and for this I want to thank Frank Stronach and his team that gave me the ride on Apollonia (...). From my heart I wish Apollonia and her new rider the best, and I am looking forward to building up new horses for the big sport for Magna Racino." It is not yet clear who will be the new rider of the horse. Édouard de Rothschild is the man behind Ecurie de Meautry, also one of Luciana Diniz's horse owners and big supporters.