Yesterday Chaman (by Baloubet du Rouet) officially retired from the sport at Ludger Beerbaum's own competition in Riesenbeck. The KWPN-sire jumped together an impressive resumé with Beerbaum in the saddle. The Baloubet du Rouet-son was bred by the Denneboom family in Enschede. In 2011 Chaman teamed up with Beerbaum, before he was ridden by Luciana Diniz. Beerbaum and Chaman jumped to victory in the fivestar Grand Prix of Paris, Lausanne and Valkenswaard. In 2014 the pair the combinations placed second in the World Cup finals of Lyon. Yesterday night Beerbaum's Chaman said goodbye for his home crowd. "Chaman is almost 19 years old," states Beerbaum. "My own competition is a nice opportunity to let him say goodbye for his home crowd."  Also owner, Madeleine Winter-Schulze De combinatie kende een zeer indrukwekkende carrière, met onder andere overwinningen in de 5* Grand Prix’ van Parijs, Lausanne en Valkenswaard. In 2014 werd het paar tweede in de Wereldbekerfinale in Lyon.