An emotional Christian Kukuk spoke about regaining championship lead: "I want to keep the red ranking armband for longer than only one show because we have given it way already three times this year. When I watched the class, I got a little nervous - I have a 9-year-old horse and I don't know her on this level very well. I only have her for a few months now, but when I went in the ring and Philipp crossed the line with a clear round I thought ok, now is the moment to slow down and concentrate. I must say, what my horse did in the end was just incredible and we have all the reasons to be very, very happy tonight."

Under 25 young-gun Philipp Schulze Topphoff continues to prove his worth in the ultimate teams challenge. "I try not to make it not too obvious that I am ‘the younger one’ - I have a brilliant team especially helpful on course walks. We are delighted with the win at this fantastic show!"

source: GCL