Another owner is calling for a ban on the sale of fireworks to the general public following the death of her horse. Karen Mills’ two-year-old colt Shiloh was found dead in his field, tangled in wire fencing, on Sunday morning (6 November). Wirral-based Ms Mills believes the coloured youngster was spooked by fireworks and this led to the accident, as there were nearby displays taking place. “I had a phone call on Sunday morning to say that he was caught up in fencing,” she says. “That was it, he was dead when I found him. You could see where he had slipped, and his back leg was caught in the wire. Ms Mills is calling for a ban on the sale of fireworks to the general public. As well as getting on board existing campaigns, she hopes to start her own petition in Shiloh’s memory and plans to write to her local MP. “We will be heard but more petitions will help,” she added.