Valentijn De Brabander has set up an new initiative. The ET Auction, a brand new platform that offers the possibility to trade embryos. It will give a new dimension to the breeding of top horses. ET-Auction is developed in cooperation with Joris De Brabander - Stal de Muze so that everybody has the opportunity to gain advantage from his exclusive breeding. Furthermore, Keros, the biggest ET centre of Europe, and Equinta, the promising ET centre of De Bie Ward, guarantee that a wide range is assured on ET-Auction. The way of trading on ET-Auction is astonishingly easy. Each embryo, gestation guaranteed, is sold in an online auction. Just register with your personal details and you’re able to bid on your favorite embryo. Through some reliable partners ET-Auction transports and insures your future embryo worldwide. You are able to earn your commission or discount while bidding on your favorite embryo. Soon you’re just one click away from buying the next champion… If this new idea will be the new market is just a question, we are already curious how the impact will be in the horse-auctioning world.