For the first time since 2009 the French delegation of studentriders has put his shoulders together in organizing a new fantastic Student Riders Nations Cup. Last weekend the competing nations gathered in the French Pompadour. After a four-day competition it was Great Britain who claimed victory in the overall standings. Individually Ellie Robinson, Steph Gunn and Lauren Innes secured their spot in every second round or at least semi-finals. Ireland secured it's position thanks to the nice individual results of Tori Dixon. Claiming the overall gold medal and third place in the dressage rankings. The leader of the President's ranking, so far, had to be satisfied with a third place. Germany was represented by Malte EitenMueller, Annika Maehlmeyer and Alexandra Swegeman. The last Student Riders Nations Cup of this year will be organised by the United States of America. At New Years 15 Nations will compete in the special World Finals at the Wellington riding center.