Last week ‘H&M we love horses’ invited us for a very special day : a visit to the farm of Nicola and Olivier Philippaerts. We had the chance to look around together with soem fans of the twins. A little report : They were five, the ‘lucky winners of the ‘H&M we love horses’ contest and the came from all over Europe : four girls came from Sweden, one from Spain. And the aim of their trip was the same : meeting Olivier and Nicola. The boys were happy to show the girls around their farm. The winners were selected in three different ways : there was a contest on Facebook, you could win a place thanks to the ‘H&M group’ and the boys picked a winner from all the wishes and quotes written in their ‘guestbook’ at the show of Gothenburg. All girls were a little bit nervous at the beginning of the day, which was normal of course, you don’t get the chance to meet your idols every day ! Once arrived at the farm, it became pretty clear that being nervous wasn’t necessary. From the first moment on, the winners had the opportunity to ask Olivier and Nicola everything they wanted. This way, the winners really felt welcome. After a short ‘get to know each other’, the girls had the opportunity of seeing how the boys train their horses. They could also ask the twins questions while they were riding. 12119796_418962848300324_1888435504_o For the opportunity, Olivier saddled H&M Challenge van de Begijnakker and Nicola was riding H&M Forever Darco ter Linden. During the riding, the boys explained what they think is important when training a horse. One of the peaks of the day was without any doubt the guided tour in the farm of the boys. First the winners were shown the area itself, for instance, they got to see the grass field on which the boys often train their horses. The twins also guided the girls through their stables. This way, the girls got to see a lot of tophorses up close and to make a picture with them. To end the day, the winners were taken to a dinner with Nicola and Olivier. During the dinner the twins were willing to answer any questions the girls still had. Despite the fact that all winners would have wanted to stay a little longer (they asked the question ‘do we really have to go home?’ more then once), it was time to go back home after dinner. The boys took their time to say goodbye to all off the winners and after that the girls went back to Brussels to take a plane home. But we are sure they had one of the most beautiful days of their lifes, all thanks to the twins and H&M We love horses. 12112523_418962791633663_1007952669_o