On a sunny but windy day we took the time to visit one of Great-Britain's main show jumpers. Visiting the British rider at his beautiful stable in Belgium we took the time to ask some major questions.

You are now riding for Ludwig Criel, here in Belgium, how do you like it here and why did you decide to base yourself in Belgium?

I love living in Belgium. I’ve been riding for Ludwig Criel for 8 years now. We’ve started with young horses and build it up. Of course there's another reason I love Belgium as well. I met my wife when I was working for Stephex Stables. So Stephex Stables brought me to Belgium and then I met my wife and I decided to stay in in this lovely country.

What do you like the most about Belgium?

The people, the shows… It is a fantastic place to live. I also like to amazing amount of lovely beers in this country. Professionally it is the shows and the ease of it all, there are many shows and it is easy to get there. There are also a lot of good sponsors here, basically Belgium has it all. [caption id="attachment_80948" align="aligncenter" width="960"]Joe Clee Joe Clee[/caption]

What can you tell us about Utamaro, how is he?

He is a real fighter. When he goes in the arena, he wants to work hard and wants to fight for you. He enjoys jumping, I think that is his biggest attribute, the fact that he really loves the sport. In the stable he is quite relaxed for a stallion. When he is out of the stable he is quite cheeky and playing, he always wants to be busy. We keep him as busy as we can.

Do you want to go to Rio with him, or did you set your mind on another horse?

If I go to Rio, it will be with him. Obviously we still have a lot of work before Rio and we have to keep jumping clear rounds. We have to stay in form and stay healthy. It’s still a long way to go. Its only five months, but a lot of things can happen in five months in the sport. But if I go to Rio it will be with him.

How do you plan to prepare for Rio?

We try to do exactly the same things as for every other show. We try not to change to much. We try to get him as fit as possible without putting to much stress on him and keep him in the same routine as always. We try not to do anything special.

You ride a lot of young horses, how do you get them ready for the shows?

The young horses, we try  just to do some small shows and build them up slowly, without any pressure. I think just time  is an essance in the way to the top. Just keep going, keep doing the shows and again just getting into the routine. Let them see as many things as possible. [caption id="attachment_80950" align="aligncenter" width="960"]Joe Clee Joe Clee[/caption]

What is the reason you choose to ride young talents?

I love producing young horses. Also buying an older horse costs a lot of money and you’re not always guaranteed of what you get. It’s the same with young horses. But they are a little less unpredictable, so we chose to put a little more time in them and work our way towards the bigger sport.

How does a normal week look like here?

Everyone has a day off in the week. The horses will work two or three times a week properly. They will also be lunged once or twice a week. And then we also go to a show. It really depends on which show they’re doing how hard the regime is for them. If they’re building up for a big show obviously we try to get them fitter. But they only do dressage two or three times a week maximum then the rest of it is in the field or lunging.

When you’re at a show, do the other horses at home get a break?

I’m very lucky with my rider Bernardo Matthias. He keeps the horses going when I’m away. If I’m away and the horses aren’t having a show the week after they will have a little easier time. But if I have a show the week after, Bernardo will keep them fit, keep them jumping…

At what big shows can we expect you this year?

To start with it will be Antwerpen and Lummen, the CSI5*. Hopefully, if the plan stays like this, La Baule, Rotterdam and Knokke. I will do a few little shows in between but this are just the main shows for me.

Which horse would you like to ride from someone else?

It’s a difficult question. Fit For Fun for sure. It’s a little bit my type of horse. He would suit me more than the other horses. There are a lot of horses that I like but wouldn’t fit me. [caption id="attachment_80951" align="aligncenter" width="960"]Joe Clee Joe Clee[/caption]

If you could try out any other sport, what would it be?

Sun bathing? No, right now I would say golf. It’s quite relaxing.

Do you do something besides riding to keep fit?

Looking after three kids. No, I play a little bit of squash. And when the season is really on, I go running a lot. In the winter not so much.

Do you eat something special before or at a show?

No, but as a rule I eat very healthy food. My wife is a really good cook and we enjoy eating healthy. I always eat healthy. When I’m at a big show, I’m always a little bit pumped up so I don’t eat so much.

If you win a big class, do you like to celebrate it with a beer or with champagne?

On the shows I try not to drink, I try to focus and stay away from the bar. I like to go straight home for my family. But if I have to choose between beer and champagne, I would choose champagne. Depending on who is with.

Do you have some advice for our readers?

Keep an open mind and stay calm! I think that’s the best advice you can have with horses. Just try to stay calm. If it doesn’t work today, it will work tomorrow.