Just a moment ago the current World Champion, Jeroen Dubbeldam, jumped twice in the spotlights at the Stuttgart Masters. Only last week he and his trusted championshorse, Zenith placed fourth in the Jumping Indoor Maastricht Grand Prix. Nevertheless every moment the fairy tale of Dubbeldam and Zenith might end.   Although the future is uncertain, Bubbeldam keeps believing. "The way Zenith Jumps is just more than satisfying." For Dubbeldam however every competition is with mixed feelings. Every victory might turn into a sale of the horse. "If I would win the Grand Prix, the chance on a sale of Zenith is probably much higher. But that doesn't mean I'm no longer focused and burned on a victory. That is not the way the cookie crumbles. In the arena I need to be focused and willing to win."   In an interview Dubbeldam reveals he has switched tactics. The Dutch show jumping rider, no longer works on a long term strategy, he focuses from one to another competition.  At the moment Dubbeldam has no replacer stalled at home. "I've many potential horses, but if Zenith would be sold today I have no replacer ready. Further it's uncertain if the potential replacers will in fact stay at the stable or will be sold."