During a championship pressure is at it's climax not only for the riders and horses but also the people around them. Ben Maher, as most british riders, is known to be really 'cool' about it. When times get really tensed, he has someone to rely on, Sophia Gracida. In Aachen we met with Ben's long time girlfriend to catch a glimpse of an intense competition from a couple standpoint of view :

How do you experience the pressure of a championship when you are not riding but supporting Ben ?

I think I am probably more nervous than Ben is! He is really calm and realistic at the championships. In general he copes well with pressure. Ben normally goes over the course numerous times, so I know exactly what he is planning to do. The moment he walks into the ring, there is nothing you can do but sit back and hope for the best!

What would you say is the most stressful moment for you?

When he riding to fence number one. All I can think off is "please Diva just jump clear!". Whilst watching his round I feel like I am jumping simultaniously with Ben. I actually have to stand on the opposite side from our main groom Daley, because if we are next to each other we both kick, jump and pull each other, it's a disaster!

What are the last words you tell him before he goes in the ring?

I just tell him Diva looks great! I don't know if he listens to me but I try to give him confidence and make him believe!

When he gets stressed, what do you say to him to try and calm him down?

I just try to reassure him. I think every rider has their insecurities. Certainly when they are riding at a championship. The pressure and stress highlight them. I just remind him that he is a great rider, he has a great horse and he knows what's he's doing, that's all. So far it worked, let's hope I don't jinx it for tomorrow! (read at the Championships).

Can you tell us more about Diva, the mare Ben is riding?

I actually love Diva, I do ride her myself you know. In Vilamoura, last year, she showed us her capacities. Ben was travelling back and forth a lot because he was competing in other shows, so I was left with Diva and my horses. That's when I really began to ride her and we bonded. She is a nice but opinionated mare. So we have to be careful how to ask things from her. She is very fire-ry and I love it!

Ben likes to say that Diva and I are twins and that's why we get on so well! (Haha) maybe it's true. When she gets mad I just let her do her own thing!

How do you feel when something as Thursday happens on the last fence?

I think everybody, watching the live stream, has seen my reaction - unfortunately! (Haha) The first thing that cam into my mind was;  "I hope they are okay". Then you have to wonder what Diva was thinking! He added a stride going into the combination, everyone was doing 9 and Ben did 10, so in theory he should have had a bit of room in the middle, but she took a bit of space to a whole new level on Thursday! Thankfully they are both okay but it's not fun to watch that happening!

How different is a championship from a regular show?

Actually Ben treats them similar. A championship is obviously much more pressure, and it’s a team so he has to worry about the other three members of the team and not only him like at a normal show. You want the team to do well so when it’s a championship he’s usually more at the show all hours of the day watching, helping, supporting, while at a regular show we only go for his classes and then we go home. It’s not as time consuming!

You ride as well. Do you have technical input in his course?

Yes, we talk technical when we go over his course. Obviously, I don't ride like Ben so I'm definitely not going to teach him anything new, but I think sometimes my opinion might reassure Ben of his own capacities.

At home you work together. What are the daily duties?

I have my own horses so that keeps me quite busy. Further I help Ben riding his horses.  In the stable we both have our own groom. But we function as a team. Everybody is helping each other, making it work like a well oiled machine. And the engines?? Probably Daley, he takes care of us all! But as far as what I do, I think I just try my hardest to organise Ben and our lives along with the stables.