She’s not even 20 years old yet, but you can already see the determination in her eyes. Laetitia du Couëdic knows where she wants to go with her career. The girl from Switzerland dreams of riding on a 5 star level and surrounded herself with an entourage that will make sure that happens. She took an internship at the Haras de la Forge stables from Kevin Staut, and this winter she rode for the stables of the Colombian rider Daniel Bluman. She rode her first Nations Cup in Florida with her incredible mare Cheyenne 111 Z. We talked with this young rider under the glass roof of the Grand Palais during the Paris Saute Hermèes. She told us modestly about her experience in the Us, about her horses, about Kevin Staut but also about her future and projects.
You came back from Florida a few days ago. How do you manage to get back at your usual routine?
I think getting back to my usual routine is quite easy because I was very happy that I could return home, despite the fact that I loved Florida, the weather and the heath. It was a great experience, I only took Cheyenne with me. Because of that, as the weeks passed, the days seemed just that little bit longer and I was really looking forward to riding my horses at home again. I missed my family and I couldn’t wait to see them again. To sum it up: I was very happy when I came home, but I also loved Florida.In Florida you rode your first Nations Cup. How was it?
It was definitely one of the courses I loved the most. It was a wonderful location, everything was organized very well and everything went good despite my 4 faults in the Grand Prix. In general I think that I can be very happy. It was a huge motivation for me as well because every time I entered the ring, I really wanted to do well. I was convinced that I could do well in Florida, and I did. [caption id="attachment_81393" align="aligncenter" width="5184"]
How is Cheyenne and how did you prepare her for the outdoor season?
Cheyenne is in excellent shape. During training, I hardly ever jump with her. I do a lot of dressage and cavalettis with her to improve her gallop. She doesn’t jump al lot because she’s already 13 years old. I’m quite sure that she knows her job by now.
Why did you decide to by Harad des Coudrettes? Why was she so appealing to you?
I love her attitude when she jumps the fences. She’s very focused and determined. I also rode horses with some blood. They all wanted to run to the fence. She does that too and because of that, it was love at first sight. I immediately felt good with her, I loved her character, her attitude… She really made me melt.In the US, you didn’t ride another of your horses except Elisa. Will you compete with her again in Europa?
Yes, I already resumed training with Elisa. Unfortunately she got an injury last year. We gave her all the rest she needed to make sure she healed completely. Now she’s back at work, she’s already jumping a little bit. The jumping is not so easy because she’s a little too enthusiastic. Because of that, I chose to keep the training easy for now, I don’t want her to get injured again. I hope she will be jumping 1.40- and 1.45-classes again; (In the meantime, the mare jumped her first courses after her injury in Arezzo). [caption id="attachment_81394" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]
You took an internship at the stables of Kevin Staut. What did you learn there?
I was really a great experience. Kevin is someone who lives for his horses, something you don’t see so often anymore. He gets up early in the morning and goes to bed late because he wants to spend as much time as possible with his horses. He really respects them an that’s a beautiful thing to see. The way he interacts with is horses, made a great impression on me. He does a lot of self reflection as well, he never puts the fault with his horses. He’s thinking about riding all the time and that weighs on him, he often thinks that the faults in the ring are his fault. But all that makes him one of the best riders in the world. I learned a lot from him, from the way he treats his horses to things about the sport itself.In Florida you worked with Daniel Bluman. How did you decide to join his team?
I always knen Daniel Bluman though Hermès (both riders are sponsored by the brand). We always got along well. I called him when my internship with Kevin Staut was about to and because I didn’t really know what to do or where to go. He told me I could go with him to Florida to ride a few horses. Going to Florida was always one of my childhood dreams. I always dreamed about riding there and it was an opportunity I couldn’t let slip away. Everything went well, I really enjoyed spending the winter with Daniel, we worked well together. I had the opportunity to go to Florida with someone who goes there every year, who know the program and the show. That was very reassuring for me.This year you represented Switzerland during ‘Les Talents Hermès’. I think we can say you’re a rising star in your country. How do you experience this yourself?
I wouldn’t call myself a rising star, but it is nice to here. At a certain point I decided to focus on riding only. Beside the horseback riding I don’t have anything else to build my own identity. This means riding will decide who I am, how my life will be. I travel a lot, I still make a lot of mistakes and that has to change. I can always count on Cheyenne, she’s always with me and that makes me very happy. If I get the opportunity to ride at bog show, I know my hard work pays of. It’s always great to ride between the top riders. I hope I will ride as good as them one day, I just have to work for it. That idea is a big motivation. [caption id="attachment_81396" align="aligncenter" width="660"]
Is there some rider you look up to, do you have an example.
I think I’ll always be a big fan of Kevin Staut. He’s a ride who can’t be described with words. I was lucky to be able to take my internship at his stables and I got to appreciate him as a person as well. And if I had to name a lady-rider, I would say Beezie Madden, she’s one of worlds best riders. I got to know her a little bit better in Florida, I always heard people talk about her, but when I saw her riding, I couldn’t believe my own eyes. So yes, Kevin Staut and Beezie Madden really are my idols.If you got to choose one horse in the world. Which horse would it be?
Undoubtedly Barron, the horse of Lucy Davis.That’s really an amazing horse. But I’m also very happy with my own horses, I realize I don’t have any reason to complain.Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Good question! There’s one thing for sure: I will be older the 25 years (this is the age limit to ride the Hermes Talent courses) so I hope I’ll be riding 5-star shows by then. I hope I’ll have a lot of hoses that will jump big shows. I think my home will still be in Switzerland, my stables are here and I really feel good here. I also applied with the Young Riders Academy because I think it’s a very interesting idea. But 10 years is a long time… I’m quite sure I’ll have somebody by my side by then, but that’s the least of my sorrows now. Because I always have my horses with me and my family supports me, it doesn’t matter where I’ll be. I got into the Young Riders Academy, and I’d love to travel to other countries, just for shorter periodes. I’ve already been to France, which was a great experience, for me, but also for my horses. I’ve visited Belgium as well, a country that’s becoming more and more important for our sport. I also gt the opportunity to ride in Florida, so the only country that’s missing is Germany!Would you like to return to the Winter Equestrian Festival every year?
I would love to, because I really hate the cold. I’m not really a winter person, so I’d love to go back. I would like to take more horses, then I’ll have more off my own horses there, and not just Cheyenne. [caption id="attachment_81395" align="aligncenter" width="3456"]