If an embryo is sold and after one year the surrogate mother is not pregnant, but the donating mare has just given birth to a healthy foal, can the buyer of the embryo claim the healthy foal or is that foal in ownership of the owner of the donating mare? This is the question that is asked in a legal case in the Netherlands where the buyers of an embryo, Intermaison and Yacelo, demand the ownership of the yearling Coco Ice Z. Owner of the donating mare, Annina Z, however does not agree with that claim. According to the owner the sales agreement states the sold embryo of Cornet Obolensky x Annina Z out of the surrogate mother and not the donating mare. After a total of two years Intermaison and Yacelo still haven't the foal they hoped for. A total of six efforts were made to have pregnancy with the surrogate mother. However the year after (2015) Annina Z appeared not to be ovulating, but giving birth to a little foal: Coco Ice Z. Therefor the two Belgian companies decided this foal belongs to them. A final decision in this legal case will be made in 14 days.