Last Sunday evening Artos Ice Z has been born. Artos is the full brother of Judy-Ann Melchior's top horse As Cold as Ice Z.  Artos Ice Z is by Artos Z x Carthago Z x Ramiro Z x Agram out of Cold as Ice Z. In a communication by Loeske Veenendaal, Cold as Ice Z confirms the birth. "After years of trying, we finally succeeded: yesterday evening a full brother of Ice-family superstar As Cold as Ice Z (Judy-Ann Melchior) was born at our stable." Artos Ice Z must be one of the last offspring by Artos Z, who himself competed very successfully at the highest level with USA’s Mark Leone in the ‘90s. The damline of Artos Ice Z is as special as can be, with As Cold as Ice Z as his full sister, Cold as Ice Z as his dam and his great-granddam being the full sister to Paul Schockemöhle’s Olympic mount Agent.