Belgium's show jumping rider, Jérome Guery has found a new horse. The Belgian Warmblood Stallion Hercules by Immofluisteraar has joined the Belgian Olympian's stable. The 11-year-old chestnet son of Larino was entrusted by his owner, Inge Balliauw to Guery.
In 2016 the stallion was already competed by Dutch show jumping rider and current world number two, Harrie Smolders. The pair competed up to a 1.35m level and jumped into a runner-up position in the CSI1* GRand Prix in Valkenswaard. Later it was Samuel Hutton who took over the reins.
Together with Hutton Hercules jumped to an eight place in Opglabbeek. The last competition of this combination was at the two star Grand Prix at the Peelbbergen last January.