The 2016 Olympic Games in Rio were supposed to be the 8th successive Games for former World Champion, Jos Lansink. However Lansink's medical condition has now ensured the cancellation of his participation. Yesterday the show jumping rider got a prostate surgery after cancer was found. "Of course I would have loved to compete in this year's Olympic Games. But for me the sport is a side issue at the moment. My main focus is currently on my health," states Lansink. "I've a more important competition to win at this moment..." After this week's CHIO in Rotterdam Belgium teamchef, Dirk Demeersman will finalize his two Olympic riders choice. "I wish Jos a speedy recovery. After his injury it took him longer to be on the Olympic Longlist, and now this ... I support Jos in his decision to prioritize his health." Jos Lansink started his Belgium career in 2000, before he represented the Netherlands.