Another BWP-elite stallion has been sold to leave the Belgian territory. The 13-year-old Pommeau du Heup (by Helois de la Cour II) has been sold by Marc Van Dyck's Nieuwenhof stables to China. Show jumper Niels Bruynseels has been riding the sire since 2013. The pair conquered some international successes. They won the 2014 FEI Nations Cup comeptition in Rome with the Belgian team. In last year's Lummen Nations Cup Pommeau and Bruynseels rode two clear rounds, and a selection for the Belgian team at the European Championships in Aachen. New rider will be Baniel Zhao. This week the pair debutes at the international CSI2* in Opglabbeek. "Pommeau has officially left the stable yesterday," states Marc Van Dyck. "The new pair aims to compete at the World Cup finals in Gotheburg next month."