Currently one of the best riders in the world, Gregory Wathelet amazes week after week at the highest level. The Belgium show jumping rider underwent our crossfire of questions.
Your favorite memory with a horse? It's hard to pick one because there are so many, but I would say the day when Forlap came back home to me at the end of november 2016.
A male or female rider you find inspiring and why? John Whitaker for his victories, his simplicity and for having achieved so much success through the generations.
What do you think about just before jumping an obstacle? I just think about what I have to do
What is your main strenght? I'm Calm and collected.
A groom should be... ? Hardworking, passionate and fully dedicated to their horses.
For you, a horse is? Like a friend
Becoming a top rider takes...? A lot of hard work and above all, commitment.
A good horse is...? The one that meets our expectations regardless of the level.
What do you admire more in equestrianism and why? My parents, because without them I would never have accomplished all this.
Olympic medal or world champion? Olympic Medal.