Christian Ahlmann GER (1st): Talking about how he keeps the 16-year-old Taloubet Z at the top of his game - “He has asuper team around him, they take care every single step he does - his home groom, his show groom, his rider, his blacksmith, everyone does a good job to make sure he’s always in top shape.” Christian Ahlmann GER (1st): Talking about his jump-off round - “The whole round was for me and the horse almost perfect! The tight turns were to our advantage at the black vertical (former fence 8) and the wall (fence 9). Also we took one stride less to the last fence, and of course you always need some luck!” Steve Guerdat SUI (2nd): “I’m very proud to be second today, Christian is a great rider and very fast. This mare is very special, she gives me an amazing feeling and she has improved a lot this year.” Cian O’Connor IRL (3rd): “I’m very happy to be up there with Christian Ahlmann and Steve Guerdat! This is the first season indoors for this horse. Jumping indoors it is sometimes difficult to get him relaxed and concentrated but here in Stuttgart the ring is big and spacious.”