In the A-arena of Mechelen, the jumping riders had to stay in their seats for a while, since the Mechelen opened her arena for the warm up of the World Cup Driving. The Swiss driver Jerome Voutaz was the fastest of all competitors. He rode to the finish line in 151,99 seconds, but a few mistakes resulted in an overall time of 161,99 seconds. The American driver Chester Weber rode to the second place with a total of 163,66 seconds. He crossed the finish line after 158,66 seconds but made a few faults as well.   De Belgian driver Glenn Geerts ended on third place with an overall time of 164,54 seconds. The Dutch driver Bram Chardon ended on fourth place and was followed by that other Dutch driver, Koos de Ronde. De Ronde got an overall tome of 184,49 seconds. Click here for the results