Most events modernize and open up the warm-up arena to the big audiance. Unfortunatly this is not always with the hoped reactions. Horses that undergo the 'rollkur' or are ridden with an extra set of (german) reins, are often followed by public criticism on social media. Last year the Swiss Equestrian Federation (Fédération Suisse des Sports Equestres) already took pro-active measures to keep the horseworld reputation heigh. Until now the 'Rollkur' was forbidden in the Warm-up. To follow up the Swiss federation has now decided to also restrict the use of the 'Drawrein'. Starting January 1st, 2016 the Drawrein is banned from the warm-up arena, even if the rider is just doing flat work. The federation wants a pro-active prevention on violations for the animal welfare. This includes preventing people 'hinting' or opinionating about abuse of horses.