At the CHIO in Aachen the 16-years-old Corradina (by Corrado I) officially said goodbye to the equestrian sports. Under the saddle of German Carsten-Otto Nagel the grey-mare jumped to a double Silver medal at the European Championships in Windsor in 2009. At the World Equestrian Games in Kentucky (2010) they brought home the golden team medal. One year later the pair was again good for a silver medal at the European Championships in 2011. Last year the mare had some difficulties with her joints. Although she took home the team silver medal in Herning, Danmark, the owner (Gestüt Moorhof) decided to use her for breeding. At the farewell ceremony in Aachen Corradina received a cooler with "Vielen dank, Corradina" embroidered on it. For the last time the mare got a applause from the crowded audience.