After a long consideration the organization of the Oostende Equestrian Festival has decided to postpone their “OEF! 2016" with one year.

The organization has made their decision in their ambition to deliver a top-level event, for partners, sponsors, participants, spectators and organization


To maintain and assure their ambition, the organization of “OEF” has now decided to postpone the event with one year. 

Due to the enthusiasm of the city of Ostend and of its Mayor Mr. Johan Van de Lanotte we were obliged to reach a high level event to guarantee the impact on the city of Ostend, which we couldn’t grant today.


We would like to thank all sponsors/participants who gave us their trust for the 2016 edition and confirmed the presence, with even more candidates for the 2017 event.


New dates for the first episode of “OEF” will be May 03th, 2017 - May 07th,  2017.


Oostende, Founding Partner of “OEF”, is & remains the place to be ... 

“OEF” becomes “the place to go”