Olympic Champion, Explosion W (V. Chacco Blue), has been withdrawn from the World Championship at Herning due to competition fitness. Ben Maher has taken this difficult decision in consultation with owners Charlotte Rossetter and Pamela Wright. 

Maher explained: "We're incredibly disappointed to have to take this decision but Explosion W just isn't quite at his peak fitness to take on the demands of this championship. He's well in himself but jumping championship tracks over consecutive days takes a great deal of stamina. He's simply too special a horse to risk so, with his welfare at the forefront of my mind I felt this was the best action."

Maher now depends on his replacement, Faltic HB (V. Baltic VDL), to partner with him for the upcoming World Championship. "Faltic HB has jumped fantastically this season, I'm really looking forward to being part of a very exciting British team at Herning", concludes Maher.