In a short video on Facebook, Jos Verlooy explains to us his schedule for the upcoming World Equestrian Championships which looks like this...
Verlooy states: "We leave early on Sunday to be able to organise everything. We want to start the week in a relaxed way. Monday there will be the vet check, on Tuesday there's the warming up. Like that my horse can already get used a bit to the ring and the fences... On Wednesday we have the speed competition, the first round of the team competition and the first round individually. Then on Thursday there's the second round of the team competition. On Friday the medals are awarded in the team competition. All results up till then also count for the individual competition. And then on Sunday there are the last two individual rounds."
"And then you know whether you won 1 or 2 medals?" the interviewer asks to what Verlooy carefully answers "indeed".
Follow Verlooy's and the other Belgian riders their journey here on Equnews!