Germany, Israel, Netherlands, Great-Britain, Ireland and now also Canada have announced their Olympic team for the Games in Paris. Canada Equestrian will count on follow combinations for the medals!
- Erynn Ballard - Nikka vd Bisschop (Emerald x Nabab de Rêve, breeder: Tom de Craene (vd Bisschop))
- Mario Deslauriers - Emerson (ex. Mikado van d'Abelendreef) (Eldorado vd Zeshoek x Berlin, breeder: Koen Cerpentier
- Amy Millar - Truman (Mylord Carthago x Kolibri, breeder: Aurore Merel)
- (reserve) Tiffany Foster - Battlecry (ex. Olympus Van De Molenberg) (Vigo d'Arsouilles x Latano I, breeder: stoeterij de Molenberg)