At the end of day one, 18-year-old Brandt sat in ninth place with a score of 82 from judges Frank Madden and Timmy Kees. A second-round winning score of 89 would then move her up into fifth place overall, and her final test over jump-off-style speed track, designed by Catsy Cruz and Guilherme Jorge, would shoot her straight to the top of the leaderboard.

Finishing in second place, in both the second round and overall, was Eliza Broz riding Clooney 62, owned by Constance Broz, and third place went to Tasha Visokay riding Go For It B, owned by Sophie Root-Stevens. Rounding out the top four was the day one winner, Naomi Wegner on her own First Choice.

“It’s so surreal!” said Brandt, who earned the win aboard Caracas 89, owned by Elvenstar Farm. “I don’t think I’ve ever won anything this big before! It’s really overwhelming, and I’m so, so thankful for my full team and this horse. He’s amazing.”

Just two months ago, Brandt qualified to compete for the ASPCA Maclay Final, but she did not yet have a horse that would be up to the job of competing at the fall’s indoor horse shows.

“My horse at home just can’t yet quite take the pressure of the finals and everything,” explained Brandt, who trains with James Hagman at Elvenstar Farm. “I’m very, very thankful that I have Jim [Hagman] and that he has Caracas. Caracas has had quite the history, so I feel really, really special to be able to have taken him back East!”

The 13-year-old Holsteiner has been a part of numerous equitation wins for many top junior riders throughout the years, and Hagman felt that Brandt and the gelding would be the perfect fit.

“They have great feeling for each other,” said Hagman. “It’s beautiful to watch. He has to have a good rider, and she did a great job.”

source: Press Release