The athlete had engaged in horse abuse, and the trainer in incorrect behaviour in relation to horse abuse, by using boots with sharp pins on the horse during the competition.

In its final decision the FEI Tribunal ruled that Esam Zbibi had engaged in Horse Abuse and imposed a four-year ineligibility period on him starting from the date of the decision, meaning he is suspended until 1 February 2026. The athlete was also fined CHF 10,000 and asked to pay costs of CHF 2,000.

The FEI Tribunal also ruled that Hicham Garib had engaged in Incorrect Behaviour and imposed a one year ineligibility period on starting from the date of the decision, meaning he is suspended until 1 February 2023. He was also fined CHF 5,000 and asked to pay costs of CHF 2,000.

Click here for final decision FEI Tribunal

Source: FEI