""When I walked the course, I had a feeling we wouldn't have too many clears today," Kukuk said afterwards. "I would say the course was tough enough for a three-star Grand Prix. In the end, we had seven clear rounds, which is actually a nice number for a jump-off. I wasn't so lucky with my starting place in that jump-off, I had to start second, but I knew I have a fast horse. I won a Grand Prix with her here two years ago and I knew that if everything went well, she would be hard to beat. I wanted to have a good start, which actually worked out really well: I had a really good distance from one to two and then I just kept going and everything came exactly as I wanted. The corners were tight, the speed was good - in the end I'm the lucky winner," he analysed afterwards. 

Trevor Breen took second place. He also rode his Highland President (by Clinton) clear through the jump-off, finishing in 39.04 seconds. Julio Arias Cueva and Peanuts by Baublo (by Corydon by T&L), also a BWP rider, completed the top three. The Spaniard was able to keep the clear and clocked off in 39.94 seconds. 

Hannah Akerblom (Chodec) and Deirde Reilly (Derryglen Othello) finished fourth and fifth. 

Click here for the results

Source: Equnews/Press Release