France took the victory in the CSIOCh Nations Cup and Belgium ended this Nations Cup with a silver medal. Germany could join the other two on the podium. The French team, consisting of Romane Blanc with Callas d'Hecy, Louise Anquetin and Ucello de Hus but also Eliza Richard and Tuileadh Uisce Beatha and Timothee Goffinet with Volubie du Givre, ended on zero penalty points. With this, the team rushed to victory. Team Belgium followed in second place and consisted of Estee Bomeré and History Van'T Ameldonk Z, Brent de Schrijver and LIV Good Vd Kattevennen Z, Nikita van der Meerschen and Festif des Biches and Seppe Wouters with Kegerona Van Beek. They finished with a total of four penalty points and took the silver medal. Germany jumped to third place with a total score of nine points. The team consisted of Amy Helfrich and Leon 596, Tony Stormanns and Came, Frieda Raupach and Stakkata RM and finally Antionia Häsler with Dynamite N. 

Just like in the CSIOCh, France went home with the gold in this Nations Cup for Young Riders. The team consisting of Jeanne Sadran and Dexter de Kerglenn, Sara Brionne and Kat Fois Deux Huit Z, Jules Orsolini with Charlotte 198 and also Antoine Ermann with Beryl des Pres ended their Nations Cup rounds with a total of zero penalty points. The Belgian team consisted of some very strong riders such as Thibeau Spits with Juragold Bormes, Roy van Beek and Chacco Me Biolley, Max Sebrechts and Cacacha van het Schaeck and also Thibault Philippaerts with Derby de Riverland. Team Belgium finished with a total of four penalty points and took the silver. Norway joined the two countries on the podium. They recorded a final total of 20 penalty points with the team consisting of Mira Oliva Hoidal and Boleybawn Aasha, Lea Fondevik Syversen and Ambra, Ada Alette Braaten Johnsen with Plietsch and Maria Louise Kingsrod with Urioso de Laume. 

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