Last Thursday, October 5, the organizers of the Sacramento Horse Show cancelled the organization, after a groom was shot at Murieta Equestrian Center in Rancho Murieta. The groom remains in critical condition.
Ricardo was taken by ambulance to Kaiser Foundation Hospital in South Sacramento where he underwent the first of two emergency surgeries to treat his injuries and remains in intensive care. Martin was taken to UC Davis.
Just one week prior, Ricardo Mendoza celebrated his 21st birthday and was looking forward to the birth of his first child in December. He’s one of four children himself in the Mendoza family, hailing from Guadalajara, Mexico, and comes from a family of career grooms. The other victim, Martin Cazares, is also an established member of the west coast equestrian community.
The circumstances that triggered the altercation have yet to be made public. The shooting reportedly happened after an impromptu soccer game at the venue on Wednesday evening and is currently under investigation by the Sacramento County Sheriff’s office. A request for an update on the case was not returned by press time.