Contagious sustained an injury just before the Pan-American Games, and has been slowly coming back to top form this summer, Ward reported. “We took our time and brought him back really thoroughly, and he’s been building up through the summer. He’s really felt like a different horse! I think the time off helped him mature a bit,” he elaborated. “He feels really healthy, and has basically either won or been the fastest in every Grand Prix he’s been in. He’s starting to fire all cylinders.

“He’s a very fast horse, and very careful,” Ward detailed. “If I have a rail down in a jump-off, it’s through a double where maybe I try to do too much. Today, I went fast everywhere and just took a breath at the double. He jumped it beautifully, and then I brought him home. He’s typically quick and it went our way!”

On his return to the venue, Ward noted that COVID-19 restrictions have not dampened competitor experience. “The footing is great, and the facilities are phenomenal. Everybody has made a huge effort here to make this place first-class and to also run it during this difficult time. You can’t help when you walk around here, you see the potential of this facility.”

Reflecting on his own 2020, Ward relayed that he’s hopeful that the future is bright: “This year has been difficult for everyone. Hopefully in the new year, life and sport can start to go back to normal… That’s what we all wish for. In the meantime,” he concluded, “we’re trying to make good decisions for our horses, give them a rest when they need it, build them up when they need it, and be in a good place come 2021 with hopefully the Olympics on the horizon.”