What are you hoping to achieve between now and the end of the year?

I'm hoping for an amazing week here at CHIO Aachen, and then I’ll spend the rest of the summer months in Europe before we head back to Florida in the winter.

Which horses have you brought to CHIO Aachen?

I've brought my amazing mare, Super Shuttle, who will jump the Nations’ Cup, and my younger horse, Charlotta, who I’m jumping in the Youngsters. Shuttle is definitely my ride – she has a lot of character, a lot of blood. People always make fun that I always add a lot of strides with her out on course, but it's a style that I like and she has all of the heart in the world. People might not think she can do it, but she will try her hardest every single day for me – Charlotta has so much scope, I feel like I could jump a house with her! It's been really fun getting to know her and learn with her.

What has been the proudest moment of your career so far?

Can I say being here?! This is an unbelievable experience for me. It's something I've dreamed of my whole life, so to be able to be here, chosen by the U.S. team, to come and represent my country is the ultimate dream.

Who has inspired you the most throughout your career?

I'd say my family is a large inspiration for me. Neither of my parents ride, but they've always supported me from the very beginning and without them, this wouldn’t be possible.

My uncle, Chester Edward, is also here and competes in the driving. He's been a large influence in my equestrian career, as well as my grandmother. She has the love of horses in her blood and that's how I got it. Without my family, I wouldn't be here.

What keeps you motivated?

I think the horses are a large motivation. I love the horses, so having that bond with them is amazing.

I also think the competitiveness of the sport motivates me. I'm a very competitive person, so waking up every day to try to be better and improve is something that really motivates me.

Which senior show jumper do you most look up to?

That's hard. But being here in Germany, I’d have to say Marcus Ehning is a huge inspiration – his style is incredible.

How positive do you believe the Rolex Grand Slam has been for the sport of show jumping?

I think the Rolex Grand Slam is amazing for our sport. It’s on TV, you can watch it on the internet – it's amazing. It's everywhere you go. People know these Majors and they understand the prestige and history behind it. To be here is amazing and I think the Rolex Grand Slam is fantastic for our sport.

Have you been to any other non-equestrian sporting events this year? How do they differ from the Majors?

When we were at the London Olympics we watched a lot of different sports, like swimming, diving and volleyball. It was really fun to see a lot of other top sports at their elite level.

Which Rolex Testimonee inspires you the most?

I trained with Markus Beerbaum and Meredith Michaels-Beerbaum for a very long time, so I'd have to say Meredith is a real inspiration, as a Rolex Testimonee.