Tanner Korotkin (USA) went two-for-two in FEI competition at Tryon International Equestrian Center & Resort (TIEC), topping the $37,000 Horseware Ireland Welcome Stake CSI3* with Volo’s Diamond on a time of 37.957 seconds in the jump off. Karl Cook (USA) and Coachella 4, the 2012 Oldenburg mare (Christian 25 x Last Liberty 2) owned by Signe Ostby, cleared the short course in a time of 38.772 for second. Rowan Willis (AUS) guided Wellington Grey Goose, his own 2011 mare of unknown breeding, to a time of 38.786 seconds for third place.

Fifteen horse-and-rider pairs qualified for the jump-off track from 59 pairs who challenged the first round set by course designer Olaf Petersen, Jr. (GER). Korotkin and the 2011 Oldenburg gelding (Stakkatol x Baloubet De Rouet) owned by Sandalwood Farms were first to go, and Korotkin knew he had an all-star lineup of fast competitors to follow behind him.

“I knew there were a lot of good riders behind me, like Karl [Cook], Rowan [Willis], and McClain [Ward] and many others. I knew I had to be quick, and I was planning on doing nine strides from the first fence to the second, but I got swung out a bit and ended up doing the ten. I was still quick enough everywhere else!”

Korotkin earned his first career FEI win in Wednesday’s $37,000 Power & Speed Stake CSI3*, making Thursday’s $37,000 Horseware Ireland Welcome Stake CSI 3* doubly sweet. “Today’s course was a bit bigger for a 3*,” Korotkin assessed. “There were a ton of very good riders in this class, and my horse jumped absolutely incredibly today. It was a big enough track – maybe a little easier of a course, but a tougher competition than last week – it was very tough!”

Newly-paired with Volo’s Diamond, Korotkin is eager to compete in more international competitions and build on the experiences gained in recent weeks. He continued:

“I don’t have too much jump-off experience with that guy, so I’m absolutely thrilled that we were able to keep up the pace.” Korotkin figures that pace had the most to do with his win, he reflected. “I think overall, it was very, very close. Karl was right behind me. I might’ve had it at the third to last jump, the oxer, and back to that vertical is where I would say I got it."

“This is a relatively new horse for me,” Korotkin concluded when asked about his future plans. “I’ll do the Saturday $137,000 ESI Footing Grand Prix CSI 3* this week, and then we’ll go back down to Florida with the Sweetnams for the winter. Hopefully I’ll keep climbing and doing some bigger classes with him.”

Source: Press Release