Due to Covid regulations, the program has to be slightly modified. The program will concentrate in the main arena and consist of the international classes. The highlights are without doubt the FEI World Cup Dressage on Friday (Grand Prix) and on Saturday (Freestyle) and the Rolex Grand Prix on Sunday afternoon. On Friday and Saturday evening the most important classes in preparation for the Rolex Grand Prix will be held, respectively the VDL Groep Prijs and the Audi Prijs. The program will end on Friday and Saturday at 22.00 hours. 


In accordance with the current restrictions a limited number of spectators, 1,250 per day part, can be admitted whereby safety for everyone comes first. There will be fixed seats assigned taking into account the 1.5 meter distance rule. To ensure everyone's safety, there will be no promo village and visitors can use a special service to have food and drinks delivered to the stands. Ticket holders who could not use their purchased ticket in 2020 will be the first to get the chance to use it in 2022. Ticket holders can also choose to use their ticket in 2023. Ticket sales for the tickets still available thereafter will begin on February 10. Showing a corona admission ticket is mandatory for spectators.

Source: The Dutch Masters