Ludo is Back!

April 28, 2015, Ludo said his goodbyes to the sport. Aged 51-years-old he decided to his boots aside and focus on trading horses, teaching young riders and support the sport. Leaving behind an utmost successful career with four Olympic participations, seven Worldcup victories, a Silver medal at the European Championships in 2001 and six time Belgian Champion. But in 2020, Ludo came back to his decision and was riding again... "just for fun!"

"I'm motivated to start riding again. I did miss it these past five years. When I decided to ride horses again in October last year I realized how much fun it actually is." Ludo states. Although he continued focussing on the career of his sons he participated again. "Competing with nice horses is so much fun. It is an ideal combination to be able to sport again while supporting my sons."

Successful comeback in Oliva

"In Oliva I just realized I was in a good 'flow'. I never expected it to go so 'easy' after all those years. But when I competed in the 1.30m and 1.40m classes it all felt natural... the plan was to slowly move up again, but hey, it doesn't always go as planned and so it evolved a bit faster," Ludo smiles.

Goodbye Chilli Willi. 

After a surprising comeback, it was hard news when the family lost their majestic sire, H&M Chilli Willi. Together with Nicola Philippaerts, Chilli Willi was the 2017 Belgium Champion. "Chilli Willi is one of those horses that will always have a place in our hearts," Ludo states.

Ludo trekt opnieuw zijn rode jas aan

Ups and downs alternated. Shortly after Ludo Philippaerts was ready to wear the red jacket again. Representing Belgium in the Nations Cup of the Sunshine tour, aboard Mr. Idol S. The moment he was ready for his next big step ... the first Worldcup competition since 2013.

"Ending the year in style," not the aim, but I'm happy I did it. "After eight years I was ready for a Worldcup again. I didn't feel nervous, I actually notice my riding is more relaxed than it used to be. I don't ride with all that tension anymore. On the other hand I have more enthusiasm and adrenaline. But what happens does happen ... I do not have a lot to prove anymore. That helps when you need to compete bigger classes."

A family affair in 2021 

2021 was a family affair... "I am extremely proud as a coach, rider and father. We have had an amazing season, one that won't be matched easily in the future. Thinking about the results of Anthony and Thibault in Vilamoura, Thibault winning the national championships or Olivier and Nicola winning the GCL Super Cup. Happy to have experienced it..." Ludo concludes.