Although the 20 year old Reed Kessler is based in Europe, she has returned to North America to compete at the Spruce Meadows competitions in Calgary, Canada. Kessler brought along several horses among which her own Cylana, ending second in the Rolex Grand Slam Grand Prix in September 2014. After two weeks of competition it was time for us to ask how the return to America felt; "Spruce Meadows is easily one of the ebst shows in the world," states Kessler. " The facility, the footing, the atmosphere and the competition is world class." After some impressive results we already knew Reed would be positive about her participation, but let's ask anyway. "My horses have done very well. Obviously Cylana loves Calgary. She goes her best there. She ended 2nd in the Grand Prix the first week, 6th the second week and clear and placed in both weeks' qualifiers. Cosi also likes Calgary. HE jumped super the first week. Unfortunately I made a little mistake but he easily could have won both his classes." Kessler and Cosi were already present last year. "My 7 year old has been great in the 1.35m classes and is getting a lot of experience in Spruce. Last but not least I could also count Stakki to get me placed in most all but one of his classes." For now Reed is taking a break. The American show jumper will take the middle two weeks off and return to compete the final two weeks of the tour at Spruce Meadows.