Interested in attending the inaugural Central Park Horse Show? There are only 1,000 general admission seats to be sold for the event each evening. But you can take advantage of a special early ticket-buying opportunity. As part of the show’s sponsorship arrangement with the Marriott Essex Hotel, there are 100 rooms reserved each night for ticket-holders of the Central Park Horse Show. The Marriott Essex Hotel is located on Central Park South overlooking the Trump Rink, the site of the Central Park Horse Show. It is the official hotel for the event and will host registration and after-parties. The rooms have been discounted as follows; Essex King with Courtyard view: $479 (standard Rate for that time $699) Central Park Queen with Park View: $569 Central Park King with Park View: $579 Essex Jr. Suite: $579 Starting immediately, the first 100 persons who secure a room using the link below will be entitled to purchase up to two tickets ($250 each) for each evening in advance of the official sale of tickets on Aug. 4. Again, because there are a very small number of seats available, it’s possible that the event will sell out on the release date on Aug. 4. This is the only opportunity to buy tickets prior to the Aug. 4 ticket release date. Again, this offer is only available to the first 100 people making a reservation at the following link. In the "Please Select Guest Type" box please select "Attendee" when making your reservation. Once your reservation is processed, using the link above, you will receive an email link within 24 hours from our website to purchase two tickets for each hotel night reserved. Like the Central Park Horse Show Facebook page or go to for more information leading up to the event. The schedule of the events for the Central Park Horse Show: Thursday, Sept. 18, 6:30 p.m. - FEI Central Park Grand Prix will be a live television event followed by $25,000 young rider grand prix and various exhibitions. See Kent Farrington, Beezie Madden, McLain Ward, Laura Kraut, Jessica Springsteen and other top U.S. riders compete for the inaugural Central Park victory. There are only 1,000 tickets available for the entire evening. General admission tickets are $250. Friday, Sept. 19, 6:30 p.m. - $50,000 NYC vs. The World Pro/Am Speed Class pitting Captain Georgina Bloomberg's NYC team again Kent Farrington's World team. The class will be followed by a junior/amateur NYC vs The World competition. There are only 1,000 tickets for the entire evening. General admission tickets are $250. Saturday, Sept. 20, 6:30 p.m. - Central Park Dressage Challenge featuring Steffen Peters, Isabell Werth, Ashley Holzer and nine other top riders competing. General admission tickets are $250. Sunday, Sept. 21, 3 p.m. - USA v the World Polo Match featuring America's and Argentina's top players. General admission tickets are $75. If you have any questions, please contact