Both the Longines FEI North American East and West Coast World Cup Leagues have concluded, and the winners of the two leagues are Kent Farrington and Karl Cook. Karl Cook collected a total of 43 points, placing him first. Cook is followed by Californian Rich Fellers with a total of 41 points. Richard Spooner finished third on 40 points and Will Simpson fourth on 35 points as the best US riders on the standings. Farrington topped the East Coast League with a total amount of 63 points, followed by Jack Towell on 50 points. Five more US riders follow; Quentin Judge on 48 points, Callan Solem on 47 points, McLain Ward and Laura Kraut on 46 points and Beezie Madden on 45 points. According to the rules, qualification for the final is as follows: “1.2. North America Athletes obtain FEI World CupTM points for their country of citizenship, i.e. USA, Canada or Mexico, regardless of where they are domiciled in North America. 1.2.1. Seven USA Athletes from the East Coast Sub-League. 1.2.2. Three USA Athletes from the West Coast Sub-League. 1.2.3. Two Canadian Athletes from the East or West Coast Sub-League (the two Athletes with the most points). 1.2.4. Two Mexican Athletes from the East or West Coast Sub-League (the two Athletes with the most points). “ There is no official list over the riders qualified for the final yet.