She is mainly known by het family name, or as the daughter of the American singer, Bruce Springsteen. Jessica has popped up as one of the top riders the last years, she is talented, a hard worker but also keeps her feed on the ground. Together with her horses, mainly the Olympic horse Vindicat W, the 22 year old American rides towards different prices. In Chantilly, at the Global Champions Tour, it was with a smile she answered our questions : Hi Jessica, let's just start with this interview, will we? To kick-off, what is the main goal this season? I just want to gain experience. Of course I would love to have (super) good results, but experience is the goal. The horses are at their best at the moment. In two weeks time I will compete for the USA at the Royal Dublin Horse Show, with the World Equestrian Games in the back of my head I will do my best at that show, after we will see. You just acquired Davendy, the former mare of Eugénie Angot. We are just curious how she is to ride, and what you'll be expecting from her. Davendy is just perfect. I recently jumped her at a local show, just to get to know her a bit better. The feeling I got was amazing. She jumpes incredibly well and is very competitive. I am very enthousiastic of riding her in the bigger classes soon. Certainly in the international Grand Prix's. Jessica_springsteen2 You have been trained by Laura Kraut, could you reveal us a little bit how it is to get trained by this top rider? I've been training with Laura for two/three years now and it is incredible. It has helped me to make a big step in my career. Having the privilege to be trained by an Olympic Champion and winning lady is amazing. She definitely helped me to improve my riding skills and decisions. If you could ride any horse you want, which one would it be ? That is a very difficult question. I have the impression everyone is saying Big Star, and it is true he is like the best jumper at the moment. Bu, I think, he is a bit nervous as well. I love my horses, they are encourageous, lovely and they give me so much trust... that is why I would never want to replace them.