USA's Lauren Hough has announced the retirement of 17-year-old Selle Français, Quick Study (by Quick Star). The pair won the 2010 Grand Prix of Hamburg and 2011 Grand Prix in Dublin. However, according to Hough one of the most memorable Nations Cup wins was the one in Rotterdam in 2010. "We created a bond along the way and that is what I'm proudest of." Hough and Quick Study have a walked a remarkable path, competing all over the world. Quick Study, also named Joey, arrived in Lauren's stables in 2006. “He taught me quickly that you nicely ask and don’t tell him what to do. He taught me that patience is a virtue and that sometimes meeting in the middle is the best approach. Joey taught me a lot of lessons that I hope I will continue to use in my career with horses in the future," states Lauren to our collegue Noelle Floyd. Although Joey’s show jumping career has come to an end, he will continue to stay in Hough’s care and will live out his years at Aston Farm, Hough’s base in England from April to November.