Nicole Harrington was chosen by the show committee and judges at the 2015 International Andalusian and Lusitano Horse Association (IALHA) National Championships to receive the Neue Schule Best Hands Award. Neue Schule, a leading innovator and manufacturer of premium quality bits, presents the Best Hands Award to acknowledge riders who exemplify outstanding use of their hand aids, resulting in relaxed and supple rides. Harrington competed three horses at the IALHA National Championships— Hielo Mor, Fetichin, and Camomila MCD— in an array of classes, including Training Level to Intermediate I dressage, several halter classes, English Show Hack, and Dressage Hack. Harrington demonstrated her precise hand aids and soft connection in every ride.

Harrington has understood the importance of good connection from a very young age. “I was taught to ride without my reins in order to gain balance as a rider without the use of the horse’s mouth. This in turn has taught me to maintain a soft, elastic connection because I’m not using my hands to balance,” she explained. At her home base, Harrington Dressage in Cincinnati, Ohio, Harrington operates a full time training and sales business. She is a fan of Neue Schule bits, knowing that they are ideal tools to help her communicate effectively with her horses. Harrington currently uses Neue Schule’s Verbindend bit as well as a few Neue Schule Weymouth bits. “I really love the way the horses go in Neue Schule bits,” she explained.

Neue Schule develops its products with horse welfare in mind— It starts with the great metal, Salox Gold, paired with an innovative design. This is all to promote effective communication and comfort with the horse. The company believes in developing a happy horse that is willing and able to perform its best. These core principals are why Neue Schule is thrilled to commend Harrington’s similar values by presenting her with the Best Hands Award, which included a new Neue Schule bit and horse neck ribbon.

Harrington says she feels very honored to receive the Best Hands Award and would like to thank Neue Schule for sponsoring it. “My main goals are healthy, happy horses who have been trained according to the training scale with emphasis on correct basics to make the horses the best they can be,” explained Harrington. One day, she hopes to compete internationally. For now, Harrington is focusing on her next competition, Dressage at Devon, which is fast approaching on September 29, 2015.